Our Favorite Coffee Table Books

coffee table books

It’s no surprise that we have a love for coffee table books. We are constantly in search of new books to add to our collection. We even asked you guys on Instagram to throw out some suggestions for your favorite coffee table books. Over the past few years, we’ve added books to our collection that we know will last. We also have a list of books we plan on picking up soon — some of which came from the suggestions you guys gave us so thank you!

Whenever we are shopping for a new coffee table book, we think about longevity. We can so easily get sick of things and find ourselves wanting to replace it quicker than we should. But we’ve been working really hard to only invest in things we truly love. We’ve been following this lesson in almost every aspect of our lives — clothes, home decor, you name it. If we absolutely love something from the beginning, it’s a lot less likely we will find ourselves bored with it down the road. So when it comes to coffee table books, we try to go with the timeless. We treat these books as a piece of art in our home. We want to make a statement while flowing naturally with everything else. We take it pretty seriously haha. But we know a lot of you do too so we don’t feel so bad! Do you see any of your favorite coffee table books linked below?? If not, leave a comment and let us know what we are missing. We are still on the hunt for more!


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Jules Viera
4 years ago

How did I miss this post! I’ve been on a hunt for good coffee table books. Thanks for sharing!

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