Simple Smoothie Recipe


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roof smoothie

close up

outside vega


Good Morning Guys! First off, can we talk about the fact that 2016 is TOMORROW?! We are kind of in shock to say the least. We wanted to share a simple smoothie recipe we love making to start your new year off the right way. Most people don’t like mornings, well, at least we don’t. Making time for breakfast, though important, can be pretty difficult most days. We love that this is something you can throw together in a few minutes and be out the door. This smoothie will keep you nourished and energized for whatever the day throws at you. You can even prep this smoothie the night before to save even more time!


 ~Simple Smoothie~

1 Banana

5 Strawberries

Handful of blueberries

Handful of blackberries

Handful of spinach

1 Scoop of Vega Protein & Greens Powder (This is totally optional, though we like to add in the extra protein)

Handful of coconut flakes


Combine ingredients into your choice of blending equipment. We like to use our magic bullet, but any blender will do the trick. Once blended, pour into your favorite glass and enjoy!

See, this smoothie is really that easy. The protein powder we use is plant-based. It has 20 grams of protein, 2 servings of greens, and is only 110 calories!

Hopefully you get a chance to try this smoothie out this week. Hey, this can be your recovery drink after tonight’s festivities! We hope you guys are having an awesome week so far. We will see you next year (we had to throw that corny joke in there…). Until next time…


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