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It’s finally Friday! We hope you all are gearing up for the weekend. As you know, we are moving! Our weekend is going to consist of TONS of painting and shopping!

We shared this post with you guys back in January. We thought it was time to give this an update and share it once again. Mainly because this is such a simple way to improve your health. C’mon guys, we’re looking out for you.

We all know that we should be drinking tons of water. Aside from water being a requirement of life, it helps energize, nourish, and hydrate the body. But if you are looking for a way to jazz up your bland water AND jump-start your body, then lemon water it is. You’re probably saying to yourself, “I always ask for water with lemon at a restaurant”, which is great. Though that doesn’t always cut it. Plus, have you ever read about the number of germs on those lemons? NO THANK YOU. Starting your day with a big glass of lemon water is one of the best things you can do for your body. There are a ton of benefits to drinking this in the morning. For starters, lemon water helps flush out toxins in your body. This is a great way to kick-start your body for the day. Lemons are also rich in vitamin C, which is essential to helping protect your body and strengthen your immune system. Cold lemon water also helps jump-start your metabolism, which is everyone’s favorite! Did you know that you should be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water per day? Yes, do the math. That’s why starting your morning off with a big glass of water is so important. You’ll be that much closer to hitting your daily goal. There are so many more benefits that we thought we would make you a list. Keep on scrolling!

  • Helps cure the common cold
  • Prevents the formation of wrinkles and acne (hallelujah!)
  • Helps fight against eye problems
  • Helps replenish body salts
  • Nourish brain and nerve cells
  • Powerful antibacterial

See what we were saying?! Lemon water really is so powerful. Try incorporating a glass into your morning routine. You have to drink water, so why not spruce it up and let your body reap all of the benefits.

We hope you guys had an awesome week. Get outside and enjoy this crazy heat. Or stay cool inside. Whatever you choose, make it a great time. Be sure to follow our InstaStory and stay up-to-date with our weekend projects! Until next time…

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8 years ago

I came to know about your site through Insta .Enjoyed reading your article. Lemon is such an essential thing to be included in our diet. Even I just posted about lesser known facts about lemon on my blog .Take a look .Thanx


8 years ago
Reply to  Sara

Thank you so much! We will definitely check it out!

8 years ago

But have you tried orange water…

cold press coffee
7 years ago

A must share worthy information.

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