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Surviving Jonas

Surviving Jonas










IMG_3306Well, did you survive Jonas? It’s Monday morning and we hope you’re all thawed out from this weekend’s storm. We don’t think anyone was really prepared for the amount of snow we got. For us, the snow started late Friday night and continued late into Saturday night. We figured we would make the best of the situation by having our own little snowed in party. We invited two of our best friends, bought tons of junk food, the necessary bottles of wine, and prepared for the snowpocalypse. Though we try to eat pretty healthy, we all need those junk food weekends. We started our day by catching up on some blogs with a warm cup of coffee. After the caffeine kicked in, we were ready for the day. Instead of staying inside all day long, we figured we would do some exploring. It was so strange walking through the city with hardly any cars on the road. It was like another world. The sidewalks were so snow-covered that people were just strolling through the streets. It was as if all rules went out the window. As we trekked through the snow, we took in the beauty of the city. It was as if we ruled the streets! By this point, we needed to thaw out. We hit a local bar for a drink and snack, though the cook couldn’t make it in so we were left with tortilla chips. Needless to say, we kept asking for refills. Lots of refills. It was such a fun day exploring with our friends. We finished the day with homemade chicken fajitas and a cheese tray. We LOVE cheese, so that is always a requirement for a Saturday night. See, who said you couldn’t enjoy a snow storm?! Perspective is always key. We chose to look at the storm as an opportunity for fun, rather than a total inconvenience. Hopefully, you made the best of the situation too!

We hope you all have a great Monday! Talk to you soon. Until next time…



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9 years ago

Drinking and eating were probably the only survival measures to take as a means to keep some sort of sanity during this storm. Way to do it right guys!

9 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Thanks Matt! Hopefully you had some fun this weekend, too!

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