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3 simple veggie meals

Hi, Guys! In case you don’t already know, we’ve been pescatarian for over a year and a half. If you aren’t familiar with that term, it means we don’t eat meat but we do eat seafood. We love seafood way too much to give it up! We decided to stop eating meat for health reasons. Since making the change, our body has thanked us! We feel so much better and have a lot more energy. We recently asked you guys what you wanted to see on the blog. One of the top requests was a simple vegetarian meal. Well, we decided to give you THREE simple vegetarian meals! Mainly because we love you guys and one is never enough. All of these meals are super easy and packed with flavor and tons of nutrients.

Simple Protein Bowl

This is by far the meal we make the most! We honestly make this at least once a week. It’s packed with protein, veggies, and super filling. It’s also easy to make and who doesn’t love that!

3 simple veggie meals

3 simple veggie meals

3 simple veggie meals



2 Sweet Potatoes

2 Large Handfuls of Kale

2 Eggs (we always choose cage-free, organic)

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Garlic Powder





  1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Cut sweet potatoes into small rounds. Place on baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil. Season with garlic powder, rosemary, salt and pepper. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.
  2. Slice half block of tofu into small cubes. Place on paper towels to absorb excess water for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Heat 1 TBSP of extra virgin olive oil in pan. Add tofu and season with pepper. Cook until brown and crispy. This will take up to 15 minutes. We like our tofu really crispy!
  4. While the tofu and sweet potatoes cook, boil two eggs. We like our eggs runny on the inside. Our trick is to bring water to a boil then add the eggs. Set a timer for 5 minutes then immediately place eggs in cold water. You’ll be left with perfect eggs!
  5. Add kale to wok. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil. Season with salt, pepper, rosemary and garlic powder.  Sauté until kale is wilted yet crispy.
  6. Now it’s time to assemble the bowl. Place sweet potatoes, kale and tofu in the bowl. We like to keep them in three separate sections. Then top with egg and slice in half. You’ll be left with a yolky, delicious bowl! Enjoy!

Gluten-Free Pasta Primavera

This is one of the easiest meals to whip up. It takes no time at all and tastes amazing! We find ourselves turning to this dinner when we are craving pasta but still need to get in our veggies.

3 simple veggie meals

3 simple veggie meals

3 simple veggie meals

3 simple veggie meals

3 simple veggie meals


Gluten-Free Spaghetti

1 Yellow Squash

1 Zucchini

2 Handfuls of Spinach

Goat Cheese

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Garlic Powder




  1. Cut squash and zucchini into small pieces.
  2. Heat extra virgin olive oil (approximately 2-3 TBSP) in wok then add squash and zucchini.
  3. Season vegetables with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Sauté until vegetables are golden brown.
  4. While veggies are cooking, boil pasta. Follow instructions on box.
  5. Once veggies are golden brown, add spinach.
  6. Sauté veggies until spinach is wilted. This should only take a few minutes.
  7. Drain pasta and add to wok. Lower heat and mix.
  8. Pour pasta and veggies into bowl. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil.
  9. Season to taste. Plate and top with crumbled goat cheese.

Baked Eggplant with Goat Cheese and Spinach

OMG. That’s what you’ll say when you taste this dish. Guys, this is one of our favorite things to eat. You may have even seen a sneak peek on Instagram earlier this week. We like to pair this with a side of pasta or a big salad. Pro tip: pair this with the Pasta Primavera recipe above. So. Good.

3 simple veggie meals

3 simple veggie meals

3 simple veggie meals





Goat Cheese

Tomato Basil Sauce

Garlic Powder





  1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Slice eggplant into rounds. Place on baking sheet.
  2. Spread goat cheese on each eggplant. You want an even layer on top.
  3.  Place spinach on each eggplant slice and top with tomato basil sauce.
  4. Season with salt, pepper, and oregano. Bake for 25 minutes or until eggplant is soft and golden brown.
  5. Serve and enjoy!
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7 years ago

oooh Thank you for sharing those! I am not a vegetarian by any means but I will admit that I’ve been eating more and more vegetarian and vegan meals lately and I quite enjoy them. I’ll bookmark this so I can try out the recipes!


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