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Life has drastically changed over the past few days. It’s going on a week since we started isolating at home. Since Mike is a nurse, he is still working and is obviously needed more now than ever at the hospital. It’s a pretty scary time — we aren’t going to lie and say we haven’t been anxious. We’ve never been through something like this before. It’s a pretty strange feeling to know that no matter where you are in the world right now, you are going through the same thing. We are truly all in this together.

Given the state of things right now, we’ve been doing a lot of thinking. As serious as this situation is, we are doing our best to find the positive in all of this. We truly do feel like this is a defining moment in our society. We’ve never been asked to do something for the greater good like we are right now. We’re being told to stay home to help ourselves and everyone else. It’s bigger than just one person. This is about the lives of people all across this country. We also think this is an opportunity to hit pause and look inward. We are constantly on the go. Always looking for the next thing. But what about what we have right in front of us? Do we really appreciate everything we have? It’s forced us to feel more gratitude than we’ve ever felt before — and we thought of ourselves as grateful people.

We try to be a resource for you daily while spreading love and positivity. We are incredibly grateful for this platform and everything we have in life. But we’ve realized that we’ve neglected to feel grateful for the simple moments in life. We’ve been taking Toby on long walks every day. Of course, we are going on routes without anyone around us to safely distance ourselves. But these walks have been so therapeutic for us. We’ve never had this much time to breathe in the fresh air and admire the world. It might sound silly but we are so lucky to have those moments. There are people in the world without that luxury. We’re using this time to remind ourselves of the simple gifts in life. We hope you are doing the same. We want to come out of this with a newfound appreciation for everything around us. This is a defining moment in our lives. We have the chance to do the right thing. Stay home and take some time to write down all of the things you normally take for granted. It is so eye-opening when you see it on paper.

We hope you are being safe and staying healthy at home. We will continue to stay connected and share with you daily. As we said, we are all in this together. Sending you so much love.

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