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Our Easter Sunday!

Our Easter Sunday!







Happy (belated) Easter to those who celebrated over the weekend! We (obviously) thought we should share our Sunday celebration with you all. We spent our day with family just over the bridge in New Jersey. Like we always say, spending time with family is so important to us. Holidays give everyone a chance to get together and catch up. Have we also mentioned that food is important to us as well?! Our family LOVES to eat. Basically, we had to roll ourselves out of the house by the time the day was over. We don’t think we could have eaten one more bite. If you follow us on Snapchat, you probably even saw that we helped with grating the potatoes. That clearly means we are top chef material. Yeah right. We had so much food that we didn’t even make the potatoes! Clearly everyone missed out.

Our favorite part of the day was when we all sat around the table and told stories. Grandparents always have the best tales from their younger years. It really gives you a glimpse into their past. We were able to hear some hilarious stories while we made room for dessert. The homemade apple pie was the best part. Good job Chloe!  One of us (Alex) may have had a few too many servings. But hey, holidays are for indulging.

If you celebrated on Sunday, what was your favorite part? Let us know in the comments below. We love learning about how others celebrate with their family and friends.

Until next time…

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