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Why We Use CBD

Why We Use CBD


We first started talking about CBD last summer when we posted the recipe for CBD coffee. Since then, so many of you guys have told us how much you love drinking this in the morning. We still drink this every morning! It’s completely changed our everyday life. Though we did touch on some of the benefits in the coffee post, we figured it was time to break things down a bit more.

Just like with every other health topic we talk about, we always want to preface it with one statement — we are not claiming to know everything, more importantly, not here to give medical advice. This comes from our own research and experience.

There are a ton of benefits of using CBD oil. We touched on a few of these in the coffee post.

  • Can reduce anxiety and depression
  • Increases overall well-being
  • Decreases stress
  • Relieves pain
  • Insomnia

For starters, CBD is not illegal. There is still a big misconception with this. CBD is a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. It is non-intoxicating and doesn’t cause the noticeable effects associated with THC, another marijuana compound. It’s also important to know that both marijuana and hemp are forms of cannabis. We purchase our CBD from Bluebird Botanicals. Their CBD products and extracts are derived from hemp (not marijuana), and can also be called CBD hemp oil. We wanted to give you guys some more information to make it clear that you aren’t going to get “high” if you use this oil.

Mike was the first one to start taking CBD oil. Mike deals with work anxiety. Since the hospital can be a high-stress environment, he can become stressed and overwhelmed pretty easily. Most people can relate to a stressful workplace. Since using CBD daily, Mike has been able to take a deep breath and control the situation. When he’s gone even just a day or two without the CBD, he’s noticed a huge difference. It’s pretty amazing how it can make such a big impact.

Now for Alex, he does take CBD but not daily. If you didn’t already know this, Alex takes anxiety medication. But on days that he’s feeling extra anxious, CBD does the trick. It doesn’t interact negatively with his medication and has been a huge help. It’s just another way to help stay calm and collected on a daily basis.

There are a ton of ways you can consume CBD. The most common are oil, spray and pill form. We usually always consume the oil but do take the pills occasionally. Just like we talked about in the coffee post, adding CBD oil to our coffee is what we do most days. Most recently, we started using CBD in another way. We discovered a new brand called Lord Jones. They make a body lotion and body oil. We’ve become obsessed with both of these products. We’ve been using these at night before bed. Since we do SoulCycle pretty often, we can get muscle aches and pains. Both of these help us so much. It also helps our bodies relax and unwind after a long day.

Aside from just helping in stressful situations, CBD also helps us with everyday mental clarity. We feel like that fogginess we experience in the morning has gone away after using this consistently. It’s also good at helping us with those daily stressors. Not just the work stress, but the everyday things that can work us up. It really does help us with our overall well-being.

Just like we’ve said before, we aren’t here to give you actual medical advice. But we can say that CBD has helped us in so many ways. That’s why we rave about it on a daily basis. Hopefully, this post gives you some more insight into the benefits of CBD and how it has helped us. Let us know what you think in the comments below! Until next time…

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Big Papa
Big Papa
6 years ago

Excellent post! Very helpful,informative and well written. You answered all the things I was curious about.
I know two people who will be using this immediately.

6 years ago

Is the oil water soluble? I really want to try it for my anxiety and ADHD but am afraid of it just being, well – oily…

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